China Visa Service (HK)

Approved offshore intermediary organization by the State Admin of Foreign Experts Affairs of China

     China Visa application Service for foreigner in HK 外籍人士中國簽證服務(香港)

Types of visa 簽證種類 
                                      Z Visa- A Work Visa工作簽證
                                      F Visa -A Business Visa訪問簽證
                                      X Visa -A Student Visa學習簽證
                                      L Visa-A Tourist Visa旅遊、探親簽證
                                      D Visa-A Permanent Resident Visa 定居簽證 


Do you need help to apply for a China Visa? A visa application procedure is always triviality and complicated? Using our team of professional visa service will help you to get the visa in a convenient and timesaving way! 簽證時需要幫助?簽證申請過程往往繁瑣費時,令人沮喪。


Professional services include專業的服務包括:


- To help customers fill in a visa application forms and the related procedures
- To provide customers with the address for the relevant documents received
- Customer visa application and evidence documents submitted
- Hong Kong cheaper hotel or guesthouse / air tickets booking


Our service fee我們的收費:


Depending on the range of services to customer requirements 視乎客戶要求服務的範圍

香港师源教育机构 (Since 2001) +852-2524 8248